This fall the group will see a bit of a
revamp. Now meeting on Wednesday evenings – still at 6p.m. –one meeting of each
month will be “An Introduction to a Cancer Diagnosis.” Especially designed for
those newly diagnosed and their families, these meetings will benefit anyone
wishing to acquaint or reacquaint themselves with the facts and vocabulary of
cancer and its treatments. Director of
Support Programs Esther Sachse, LCSW stresses the importance of education for
our clients: “The newly diagnosed cancer survivor has an immediate need for
accurate information regarding their cancer diagnosis and treatment
options. They need a safe place to share their feelings and
concerns. Our programs offer help and support when they need it most.”
For more information about this or any
of our support groups, call 927-2273 or visit our website at The mission of Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge is to improve life for those living with cancer.