A father of three, John’s kids have been going to The Dunham
School since 2004. Over the years, Laura, the school’s Aftercare Director, has
earned a place in the hearts of the Boudreauxs and so many Dunham families. John states, “The Dunham School’s mission is
to educate the heart and mind for Christ. Mrs. Lombardo has exemplified that in
so many ways for our kids over the last 9 years. This race is a very small way
to honor her invaluable relationship with our children as well as her cancer journey.” Don Barnes, fellow Dunham parent, echos the sentiment, "Mrs. Lombardo was my son, Joey's first love in kindergarten. She is sweet, smart, creative, and always full of hugs."
Please consider making a contribution to be a part of Team
to benefit Cancer Services. Not only will you honor Laura, but you’ll improve
life for the thousands of others in the Greater Baton Rouge community who are
living with cancer. Click here to make a donation or stop by our office at
550 Lobdell Ave.
Since 1959, Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge has
provided free of charge programs, services, assistance and support to
meet the changing medical, financial, educational and emotional needs of cancer
patients and their families within a 10-parish area. If you would like more
information about Cancer Services, please visit www.cancerservices.org.