Do you worry about your kids? We all do. We worry about how they do in school, about them driving and going out at night. We never worried about cancer until our 14-year-old daughter, Brenna, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a cancerous bone tumor, in September 2010. At that moment, cancer changed our world.
When you see pictures of bald kids smiling after their treatments, that’s just one moment; the reality is sitting in a room for hours and hours with other sick children, having poison pumping through their IVs. After weeks of these chemo treatments, Brenna’s tumor was still growing and we were told that her best chance was amputating her right leg. She had the surgery two weeks later.
We live in a different world now, the world of childhood cancer. We wandered aimlessly into Cancer Services soon after her diagnosis. We didn’t have to ask for anything or even really say anything because they took us by the hand and explained what they could do for our family. The emotional, nutritional and financial services, all free of charge, fulfilled needs we didn’t know we had and helped us with the “what’s next.”
Jeff, Brenna & Kristie Huckaby with Speckles. |
Cancer Services’ Children’s Programs provide us the opportunity to meet other families living in this world of cancer. At the monthly activities, Brenna interacts with other cancer kids, and we get to connect with the parents in a fun, social environment. Cancer Services gives us a break from cancer and the chance for our family to spend precious time together. While we were at MD Anderson in Texas we saw similar programs, but having Cancer Services right here in the Baton Rouge community for these children and everyone else living with cancer is so special and important. But they need your help.
Brenna, a sophomore at St. Michael’s, wears a prosthetic and is returning to gymnastics and making plans to go skiing this winter. Shortly after the amputation she caught a little boy staring at her. As she passed him on her crutches she said smiling over her shoulder, “This is what happens when you don’t eat your vegetables.” Her wonderful attitude, our family and support from Cancer Services are helping to make our world normal again.
In our world, we don’t worry about the small stuff anymore. The most important thing in life is the people in it. We hope you never have to experience our world of cancer, but we’re glad that Cancer Services is here to help make that world a little easier.
Their Children’s Programs have been invaluable to our family, but we know that Cancer Services provides equally important services for adults. They are the only agency in our area providing direct assistance and support to cancer patients – no matter their age – and it’s all free of charge. But they can’t do it without you.
Please consider supporting Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge. You can make a donation online or by mail to 550 Lobdell Ave. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806. Thank you and best wishes for a meaningful holiday season with your loved ones – in your world.
-Jeff, Kristie and Brenna Huckaby.